Why PCAG, Inc.?

PCAG, Inc. is an Authorize CAC representative, the leading name in Numismatics.  PCAG, Inc. is NOT a Sales and Marketing company, we are a leader in the wholesale arena of Pre-33 Gold and Rare U.S. Coins.  PCAG, Inc.  will show you how to create a “First Class Portfolio” using some of America’s Greatest Treasures.

If you are looking to diversify your assets, Gold, Silver and U.S. Rare Coins have a proven track record of appreciation and protection. If you are considering precious metals and not ULTRA RARITIES for your portfolio, we can advise you on that aspect of the market as well.

When looking to diversify into precious metals, it is Key To Stay Away From Graded Modern Coins, First Strike Coins And Any Of The Special Minted Coins These are all sales techniques that the Sales and Marketing Companies will use to sell you a coin that is overpriced.  The goal should always be able to re-sell your coins and not lose money.  Buying Such Coins Which Have Tremendous Markups Is Highly Frowned On.

**PCAG, Inc. Does Not Store Or Hold Your Coins, Clients Take Possession Of All Material**

Our number one goal is to look out for our clients.

Our low overhead allows us to beat all other companies when it comes to cost.

Industry Leader in Ultra Rare U.S. Coins

Industry Leader in Pre-33 Gold (see Lombra tab for details on Pre-33 Gold)

Transparency,Education and Integrity.

Lowest Markups of any company out there.

We are a CAC Authorized company.

Our reputation far exceeds the competition.

We will answer all your questions.

We will tailor the portfolio to YOUR needs and wants.

Outstanding customer service.

For more information check out Notable Collectors and News.
See the “LOMBRA REPORT” to read about Dr. Lombra’s thirty-four year study on Rare Coins and Precious Metals.